I really can't take much more of the waiting...
A few videos that have been tiding me by. If you're so inclined.
#2. Do not be deterred...
I can't take the ugliness for another week:
Much less four more years.
Please, please, please...
You can help us, too...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
One Week
Brought to You by
8:35 PM
Leg Humps
Monday, October 27, 2008
It's a Pearly Something...
Last night, I endured a terrible case of Stinky Husband Syndrome. It was awful. I was able to curtail the toxic stench a bit by shutting the door to the computer room where said Stinky Husband was playing a computer game. But, you know, when you replace carpet with wood floors, and don't replace the doors, there is the ominous presence of a crack between the floor and the door that allows for the passage of small, yet gag-inducing, amounts of noxious fumes.
A while after his Flatulympic Performance, Z-Boy emerged from the computer room, grabbed himself a bowl of cereal and a PBR and proceeded to the bathroom to take a much needed soak in the tub.
I always find it amusing to pester my husband while he is lounging in the bath.
Z-Boy: WHAT?!
Zube: Honey?
Z-Boy: Yes?
Zube: Are you washing your hiney really good? 'Cause if you don't, you're gonna hafta sleep on the couch!
Z-Boy: I am, honey.
Zube: Good. You need to really get in there and scrub.
Z-Boy: I will.
Zube: Okay.
Z-Boy: Hey, is this your only toothbrush?
Zube: Yes, it is.
Z-Boy: Okay.
Brought to You by
10:40 AM
Leg Humps
Labels: Z-Boy Is an Ass-Monkey