I told you I'd do it if you didn't.
PaintingChef here.
Not that she's told you but Zube had a PRECIOUS little boy on July 30th.
Please welcome the newest member of the Zube Family...

I've tried to find the relevant details on Zube's Facebook page for his weight, height, head size, etc. but I have failed. What we do know is that he is absolutely perfect and he'd really like those damn kids to get of his effing lawn.
Congratulations Zube Family!!
***Update by Zube***
Have I ever mentioned just how much I lurve P-Chef? Anywho, yes, Keenan Michael was born on July 30th at 8:18 AM weighing 5lb 15 oz. Sounds like a bit of a squirt, but he's a good size considering the altitude and lack of oxygen in the air round these parts. We're all smitten, Zee is thrilled with her little brother (and was particularly thrilled with the Lincoln Logs he brought her from within mah belly). Things around here are sleepless and wonderful. I can't believe I did it again. Thanks to all who are still paying attention.