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Truthfully, I fucking love scars. They make me feel tough. And the best part about this scar was that when I still had stitches, I attended Ladies' Run, which is a huge biker rally in the next town over, and I got to strut around with eleven black stitches between my eyes. I kept saying, "Yeah, really, you should see the other guy!" Heh. Somehow, what with their hearty guffaws, I don't think I fooled a damn person.

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, Photo Shop wouldn't let me draw a line to my scar. I don't know if you all can see it, but it GLARES at me. Just pretend you can, okay? The picture doesn't do it justice. It's a RAD scar.
Oh yeah, and, um, HI! I wanted to play with video. What of it? I like to pretend I'm all techy smart and stuff.
23 Leg Humps:
I can't see the scar, but your pimples are cute.
Gary- CUTE?! Heh. How about the stupefied look on my face in the photo and the weird anti-botoxy lips I've got going on? Apparently, Zube Boy's not the only one who takes shitty pictures of me! I do a fine job of it myself.
uh, yeah, you look almost surprised in that photo... And yes, you are a fucking rockstar. I can see the scar, but only after I clicked on the picture to enlarge it. Then I realized I'd leaned in to the screen to stare (quite intently, I might add) at the spot between your eyes and wierded myself out. Oh, well.
I am still laughing at storm's post...
and I can't see the scar at all...
Where did I put my glasses?
Storm- Heh! Sorry to weird you out! Damn Vitamin E! I shouldn't have used it so much! It's just that I was a teeny bit concerned about having a scar on my face, no matter what toughness it might've conveyed.
Minerva- It IS hard to see, dangit! I don't know if glasses would help. It's there, I promise. Hee. Maybe I appear less tough than I like to think!
I have more scars than you, hahaha! And they're bigger too.
Oh quit, jealousy is so unbecoming to you.
Miss Ann Thrope- Hmph. I'll try to quell the haughtiness I've got swelling up! Heh. Really, though, I have a HUGE one on my back. I like to tell people it was a knife wound from back in my gang days, but I actually had a big ass mole removed from my back when I was 10. That's not such a glorious story.
Sort of like the time I broke my foot when I was stone-ass drunk. I went to a bar with some friends and told some people I broke my foot skiing.
I had a cool scar when I cut my wrist on a box cutter at my first job. It wasn't a suicide attempt. Really!
I liked the video- it is really different from a regular post, though. I would be too chicken to do a video or audio post because I hate my voice and my face!
I really can't see the scar, but I still think you are tough!
Okay, I started typing a response to this, but got super carried away & I think my comment was longer than your post. So, I'll just say I hate scars, and have decided that I'll need to address the issue on my own blog. lol
Echoes in a Nomad's Head
Okay, DON'T HATE ME, but I have dial-up and laughed my ass off all through that video. Not that you're laughable! NO! It was because the video stopped every three words to download more and you'd be in mid-word and frozen in time for about 30 seconds, then I'd get three more words, and frozen again. Finally I got to see it all the way through, and you know, it was cool, but not as funny as the involuntary freezeframe. (Ah, shit, now I've got that Freezeframe song in my head!!!) I guess I deserve that.
Neat scar, though. I've got a couple myself, which I study indepth like they're a portal to another universe.
umm... I can't really see the scar, but I'm sure if my aged eyes COULD see it, they would think it was the rock starenest scar they'd ever seen!!!!
I have an UUUGGGLLLYYY scar on my chin, which I got when I smashed into the back right passenger side of - YEP a MERCEDES!!! Oh and I smashed out my front teath too - which are now crowns (ugh!) Anyway, my scar is really ugly and you cant miss it. Loved the video - cant see your scar - in the picture or the video. And you are a total rock star!!!
CRAP!! I spelled "teeth" wrong - see I was chatting on the phone to my sister a the same time as I was commenting - I hit the send button and saw the spelling error - my sister says I am a dum ass. Spose she's right.
The video post kicked ass. You are such a rock star!
Sorry, can't see it!
I've got a scar between my eyes too - hunting accident! Rifle kicked up as I fired the shot and the scope cut my eye open. Man did that bleed!!
Great video! Can you tell me the name of the song playing in the background pls?
It's a very small scar but I see it! I don't see any zits though I don't know what Gary is talking about. The video won't play for's not porn is it?
Damn Mac prejudice. It doesn't like me and won't play. I will reserve comment for tonight when I hijack Dutch Oven's conformist PC to watch. :)
Oh, and BTW, what's up with the "pimple" business? You're Zubegirl, living in Z-house . . . that's a frackin' ZIT, not a pimple. lol
Delboy- The song is 'Hurt' which was originally done by Nine Inch Nails, but the one I was playing was the remake by Johnny Cash. It usually gets me teary, when I'm not talking about my scars.
Ginamonster- I have to confess, I edited the post, which had a picture of my face as opposed to my eyes, and I pointed out two zits and proceeded to talk about them. But, leaving a picture of my zits on the internet bothered me for some reason, so I edited the photo. :-) Gary was just telling me that what I thought were ugly zits, were really cute zits. Heh.
I think I saw a little tiny scar. Were you wearing glittery eyeshadow? Nice green eyes, I don't see eyes that color very often.
Oh yeah - Cool how you did that video thing!
Didn't watch the video yet, but you have pretty eyes and great eyebrows.
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